The activity Elssy Mobile contains all the terms and definitions (and/or pictures) from the chosen study set. This activity is designed for fast acquision of short terms and definitions/answers.
Here are some tips for using this activity:
- When you click on the icon of the activity the first term will appear on top the the screen. Click anywhere on the screen and the definition/answer will appear. By clicking on the arrow at the side you move to the next term. We recommend going through this activity several times. If you are tired of clicking all the time, just press on the play button on top to start a slideshow. The slideshow has two speeds - when you click once, the reproduction is slower, if you click on the play button twice, it is faster.
- You have gone through all the flashcards and now you want to see if you know all the terms and definitions? Here is how you can do that: Start the Elssy Mobile activity and when the first term appears try to give a definition or an answer. To check if your answer was correct, click anywhere on the screen to see the correct answer.
- OK, you have followed all the above recommendations. What next? It’s the time for the next step. Click on the two curved arrows on top of the screen to change the position of the term and definition. Now the definition will be on top and you will need to remember the term. Repeat the same procedure described in 1 and 2.
- Want to know if you need some more practice? Start one of the other activities the app offers.